Silverfish 36V 48V 52V 10Ah 13Ah 15Ah 18Ah 20Ah Batareya 500W 1000W 1500W elektr velosiped velosipedi

2023-07-07 07:42

Mahsulotlar tavsifi

Silver Fish Battery Series




Zaryadlovchi kuchlanish







20A110(L)*75(W)*490(H)mm6 kg54.6±0.5
Ebike Battery

1.Customize for any size any capacity.

2. Only need to provide voltage, capacity, size, controller parameters.



★ Always plug the charger into the battery before connecting the charger to a wall outlet.

★ The battery must be kept dry. Don’t immerse the battery or expose it to wet conditions.
★ Don’t dismantle! The small parts of the product must not be swallowed!
★ The battery shall be charged within the specified temperature range of 0℃ to 45 0℃.
★ If the battery will be stored long term, it should be charged for about 2 hour every 90 days to maximize the life of the battery.
★ Don’t heat or incinerate!
★ Don’t short-circuit!
★ Don’t crush or pierce!
★ Do not charge in residential buildings.

Bizning fabrikamiz

Paket va etkazib berish


1-savol. Menga namunaviy buyurtma bera olasizmi?

Javob: Ha, sifatni tekshirish va tekshirish uchun namunaviy buyurtmani qabul qilamiz.

2-savol. Qo'rg'oshin vaqti haqida nima deyish mumkin?

A: Sample needs 3 days, mass production time needs 5-7 weeks, it depends on order quantity.

3-savol. Sizda MOQ cheklovi bormi?

A: Yes, we have MOQ for mass production, it depends on the different part numbers. 1~10pcs sample order is available. Low MOQ, 1pc for sample checking is available.

4-savol. Siz mollarni qanday etkazib berasiz va u qancha vaqtni oladi?

A: It usually takes 5-7 days to arrive. Airline and sea shipping is also optional.

5-savol. Buyurtmani qanday davom ettirish kerak?

Javob: Birinchidan, sizning talablaringiz yoki arizangiz haqida bizga xabar bering.

Ikkinchidan, biz sizning talablaringiz yoki takliflarimiz bo'yicha taklif qilamiz.

Uchinchidan, mijoz namunalarni tasdiqlaydi va rasmiy buyurtma uchun depozit qo'yadi.

To'rtinchidan, biz ishlab chiqarishni tashkil qilamiz.

6-savol. Mening logotamni mahsulotga chop etish yaxshimi?

A: Please inform us formally before our production and confirm the design firstly based on our sample.

7-savol. Sizda qanday sertifikatlar bor?

Javob: Bizda CE / FCC / ROHS / UN38.3 / MSDS ... va hokazo.

8-savol. Kafolat qanday?

Javob: 3 yillik kafolat.

Eslatma: Biz batareya ishlab chiqaruvchilarmiz. Barcha mahsulotlar chakana savdo -sotiqni qo'llab -quvvatlamaydi, biz faqat B2B biznesini qilamiz, mahsulot narxlari uchun biz bilan bog'laning!