48v 100ah 200ah ulgurji uy gibrid quvvatli devorga o'rnatilgan qayta zaryadlanuvchi quyosh lityum lifepo4 batareya to'plami

2023-08-18 06:01

Texnik xususiyatlari

Model raqamiAIN HP5.1L-A1AIN HP7.6L-A1AIN HP10.2L-A1
Nominal Parameters
Dimensions (L xWxH)440x695x195mm460x690x225mm540x690x245mm
Og'irligi49 kg67kg87kg
Asosiy parametrlar
Life Times (25C)20 Years20 Years20 Years
Life Cycles (80% DOD, 25°C)5000 Cycles5000 Cycles5000 Cycles
Storage Time /Temperature5 months @25°C; 3 months @35°C; 1 month @45°C5 months @25°C; 3 months @35°C; 1 month @45°C5 months @25°C; 3 months @35°C; 1 month @45°C
Ishlash harorati""-20°C to 60°C @60+/- 25% Relative Humidity""-20°C to 60°C @60+/- 25% Relative Humidity""-20°C to 60°C @60+/- 25% Relative Humidity
Saqlash harorati0°C dan 45°C gacha @60+/-25% nisbiy namlik0°C dan 45°C gacha @60+/-25% nisbiy namlik0°C dan 45°C gacha @60+/-25% nisbiy namlik
Lityum batareya standarti1EC62619 (Cell&Pack), CE, CEC, RCM, UN38.3
Enclosure Protection RatingIP31Rating
Electrical Parameter
Operation Voltage40-57.6Vdc40-57.6Vdc40-57.6Vdc
Max charging Voltage58Vdc58Vdc58Vdc
Max charging and Dis charging Current100A150A200A
Maksimal quvvat5120 Vt7680 Vt10240 Vt

Bizning fabrikamiz

ALL IN ONE is a professional manufacturer engaged in R&D and manufacturing of clean energy, the main products include Lithium iron battery pack for 48V and high-volt solar system photovoltaic solar off-grid inverter, photovoltaic solar controller, transformers.Guangdong Eco-contain New Energy Co.,Ltd is a global clean energy solution service provider. We are committed to providing one-stop energy solutions including energy supply, energy management and energy storage to customers around the world. With strict Quality control system, we have obtained CE, MSDS, UN38.3 and so on, our batteries are sold all over the world and enjoy very good reputation in more than 40 Countries such as USA, Canada, Jamaica, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, South Korea, Japan, India, Nepal and so on.


Savol: Siz savdo shirkati yoki ishlab chiqaruvchisiz?
A: We are ALL IN ONE original factory.

Savol: Sinab ko'rish uchun namunalar olsam bo'ladimi? Namuna buyurtmasi uchun qo'rg'oshin vaqti nima?
A: Yes,we can supply samples,the lead time for samples is 3-5 days.and buyer pay for sample cost and shipping cost.

Savol: Siz sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatasizmi?
Javob: Ha, kafolat muddati 12 oy, agar ushbu davrda biron bir sifat muammosi bo'lsa, biz yangisini almashtirish sifatida yuboramiz.

Savol: OEM / ODM ni qabul qilasizmi?
Javob: Ha, u mavjud.

Savol: Siz batareyaning haqiqiy sig'imisiz?
Javob: A darajali, 100% yangi va haqiqiy sig'imga ega barcha batareyalarimiz.

Savol: Sizda qanday sertifikatlar mavjud?
Javob: Agar buyurtma miqdori katta bo'lsa, biz CE, ROHS, FCC, IEC62133, MSDS, UN38.3-ni taqdim eta olamiz.

Savol: Sizda MOQ bormi?
Javob: Cheklanmagan. Kichik buyurtma ham xush kelibsiz. Ko'proq narx yaxshiroq narxga ega, biz siz uchun eng yaxshi narxni tekshiramiz.

Savol: To'lov muddati qanday?
Javob: Biz T / T, Paypal, Alibaba to'lov usulini va boshqalarni qabul qilamiz.

Q:How about the after sales?
A: Damage in transit will be resolved according to the contract terms.
During the warranty period, if there is a problem with the product, our engineers will first propose a solution according to the
specific situation. If the product still has a problem, it will be refunded or replaced for free.

Eslatma: Biz batareya ishlab chiqaruvchilarmiz. Barcha mahsulotlar chakana savdo -sotiqni qo'llab -quvvatlamaydi, biz faqat B2B biznesini qilamiz, mahsulot narxlari uchun biz bilan bog'laning!