OEM Custom 502035 300mAh 1,11Wh qayta zaryadlanuvchi Lipo batareyasi

2024-05-31 08:08

Texnik xususiyatlari

Kafolat12 oy
IlovaToys, Home Appliances, Consumer Electronics, Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Batareya hajmiLipo battery 502035
Brendning nomiAIN
Model raqami502035 3.7v 300mAh 1.11wh Lipo battery
Kelib chiqish joyiXitoy
Zaryadlash nisbati30%~100%
Chiqarish tezligi100%
Battareya turiLipo Rechargeable battery
Mahsulot nomiLityum batareyalar to'plami
Ishdan bo'shatish voltaji2.75v-3.0v
Zaryadni kesish voltaji4.2v
Zaryadlash oqimi0.5C-1C
Bo'shatish oqimi0.5C-1c Max discharge at 2C
OEM / ODMOffered
Kalit so'zlar3.7v 300mah Lithium polymer Battery cell
Tsikl hayotiMore than 500 Times
KafolatBir yil
OEM / ODMQabul qilinadi
To'lovT / T
Sample Maximum order quantity10 piece
Packaging DetailsStandard and safe carton package or according to you requirement for 3.7v 1200mah lipo battery

Bizning afzalliklarimiz

High-performance protection board

Suitable for high-strength protection board, voltage output is stable and supports current (protection board is used according to
battery output) to prevent overcharge, over discharge, and short circuit.

Quality silicone wire

The use of high-quality wire, strong flexibility, not easy to break, can support high probability discharge.

Xotiraga ta'sir yo'q

Stable performance, long cycle time, can be used for charging and discharging at any time

A grade product battery

Using high-quality raw materials, sufficient capacity, long endurance, safe and non-explosive, non-gassing, fully automated manufacturing process.

1000 cycles of charging

Our lithium polymer batteries can operate in a low temperature environment of -40°C to 60°C. At low temperatures, the battery can
achieve lower internal resistance, thereby achieving a higher discharge rate. Compared with the traditional lithium polymer
battery, the battery breaks through the discharge temperature limit of -20℃ to 60℃.

Structure diagram of soft pack lithium battery

Using polymer material, the battery core does not fire, does not explode, and is highly leak-proof.



Paket va etkazib berish

1. Standard Export Package
2. Tashish tartibi:
by UPS/DHL/FEDEX( It takes 3-5 days to arrive)
by air cargo( It takes about one week to arrive)
by sea shipment ( It takes about one month to arrive)


Q1. Can I have a sample order for battery?
Javob: Ha, sifatni tekshirish va tekshirish uchun namunaviy buyurtmani qabul qilamiz. Aralash namunalar qabul qilinadi.

2-savol. Qo'rg'oshin vaqti haqida nima deyish mumkin?
A: Sample needs 3-5 days, mass production time needs 2 weeks for order quantity more than.

3 -chorak. Sizda batareyani buyurtma qilish uchun MOQ chegarasi bormi?
Javob: Namunani tekshirish uchun past MOQ, 1 dona mavjud.

4-savol. Siz mollarni qanday etkazib berasiz va u qancha vaqtni oladi?
Javob: Biz odatda DHL, UPS, FedEx yoki TNT orqali jo'natamiz. Yetib kelish uchun odatda 3-5 kun ketadi. Aviakompaniya va dengiz transporti ham ixtiyoriydir.

Q5. How to proceed an order for battery?

A: Firstly let us know your requirements. Secondly We quote according to your requirements or our suggestions. Thirdly customer confirms the samples and places deposit for formal order. Fourthly, we arrange the production.

6 -chorak. Batareya mahsulotiga o'z logotipimni chop etish to'g'rimi?
Javob: Ha. Iltimos, ishlab chiqarishdan oldin bizga rasmiy ravishda xabar bering va avval namunamizga asosan dizaynni tasdiqlang.

7-savol: Siz mahsulotlar uchun kafolatni taklif qilasizmi?
A: Yes, we offer 1 years warranty to our products.

Q8: How to order?
1. Please send your requirement to us.
2. We make invoice for you.
3. Please check and confirm the invoice.
4. Once confirmed the order, please pay it soon.
5. After payment, all goods will be sent to you in 2 weeks.

Eslatma: Biz batareya ishlab chiqaruvchilarmiz. Barcha mahsulotlar chakana savdo -sotiqni qo'llab -quvvatlamaydi, biz faqat B2B biznesini qilamiz, mahsulot narxlari uchun biz bilan bog'laning!